
Communications Engineering Services In Redding And Medford

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ArcSine’s communication systems utilize copper and fiber networks, satellite telephone, cellular telephone, fixed-frequency radio, spread-spectrum radio, leased telephone lines, and combinations of all of these. Our familiarity with the available systems, our practical application knowledge, combined with our overall understanding of network topology, design, and integration, gives us unparalleled expertise in selecting and designing communications systems which meet both the Client’s operational needs and budgetary constraints.


With regard to the Network Definitions Document:
"Nice job!"

IT Manager
Sonoma County Municipality

"ArcSine’s approach to standby generators, electric power, and loadshed allowed the City to enjoy substantial savings in capital and operating costs. The flexible loadshed scheme allows us to prioritize what process units are essential, and the screens are just perfect. We are very happy with it."

Engineering Manager
Sonoma County Municipality
Standby Power